Imam Ahmad’s Response to Someone Who Asked Him: How Are You This Morning

Imam Ahmad’s Response to Someone Who Asked Him: How Are You This Morning

 Imam al Maruthee (student of Imam Ahmad bin Handal) said:

 One day I said to Imam Ahmad: How are you this morning?

 He replied: How is the morning of the individual whose Lord demands from him that he fulfils the obligations (of the religion), his Prophet sallahu alayhi wasallam demands from him that he adheres to the Sunnah, the two angels (that are assigned to each person) seek from him to correct his intentions, his desires seek from him to obey and submit to them, the Shaytan seeks from him to perform evil deeds, the angle of death is waiting to take his soul, and his family demands from him that he spends on them?

(Sources: Siyar ‘Alaam al Nubela 11/227)

Imam Ahmad said:

I wish I could flee to the mountains of Mecca so that no one would know me! I have been tested with fame!

(Source: Siyar ‘Alaam 7/152 & 11/216)

Imam Ahmad said:

We gained this knowledge in a humble manner so we will not teach it except in a humble manner. (Source: Siyar ‘Alaam 11/231)

Imam Ahmad said:

Beware of writing (seeking ‘elm) from the people of desires. Upon you is to take from the people of the narrations and the Sunnah.

Mustafa George DeBerry

Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,

21st of Rabi uth Thani | Feb. 21, 2014

Posted on February 22, 2014, in The Akhlaaq/Manners Etiquettes. Bookmark the permalink. 1 Comment.

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